Monday, October 7, 2013
Digital Main Voltage Indicator
The counter clocked by NE555 timer-based astable multivibrator generates 4-bit binary address for multiplexer-demultiplexer pair of CD4067B and CD4514B. The voltage from the wipers of presets are multiplexed by CD4067B and the output from pin 1 of CD4067B is fed to the non-inverting input of comparator A2 (half of op-amp LM358) after being buffered by A1 (the other half of IC2). The unregulated voltage sensed from rectifier output is fed to the inverting input of comparator A2. The output of comparator A2 is low until the sensed voltage is greater than the reference input applied at the non-inverting pins of comparator A2 via buffer A1.
When the sensed voltage goes below the reference voltage, the output of comparator A2 goes high. The high output from comparator A2 inhibits the decoder (CD4514) that is used to decode the output of IC4029 and drive the LEDs. This ensures that the LEDs of the bar graph are ‘on’ up to the sensed voltage-level proportional to the mains voltage.The initial adjustment of each of the presets can be done by feeding a known AC voltage through an auto-transformer and then adjusting the corresponding preset to ensure that only those LEDs that are up to the applied voltage glow.
It is advisable to use additional transformer, rectifier, filter, and regulator arrangements for obtaining a regulated supply for the functioning of the circuit so that performance of the circuit is not affected even when the mains voltage falls as low as 50V or goes as high as 280V. During Lab testing regulated 12-volt supply for circuit operation was used.)
Friday, October 4, 2013
Watch Dog For Telephones
As a result transistor T2 gets forward biased. This effectively grounds the base of transistor T1 which is thus cut off and the remaining circuit does not get any power supply. In this state, only a small (negligible) current is taken by the circuit, which will not affect the telephone line condition. However, when handset of any telephone connected to the telephone lines is lifted (off-hook), line voltage suddenly drops to about 10 volts. As a result, transistor T2 is switched off and transistor T1 gets forward biased via resistor R1. Now, the astable multivibrator built around timer IC1 starts oscillating and the speaker starts sounding.
Output of the astable multivibrator is also connected to the base of transistor T1 through capacitor C5. As a result, only a loud (and irritating) tone is heard in the ear-piece of the unauthorized telephone instrument. This circuit can be constructed on a veroboard using easily available low-cost components and it can be connected to any telephone line without the fear of malfunctioning. No extra power supply is required as it draws power from the telephone line for operation.
- Please disconnect the gadget when you are yourself using the telephone as it cannot distinguish between authorized and unauthorized operation.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Voice Bandwidth Filter
This circuit passes frequencies in the 300Hz - 3.1kHz range, as present in human speech. The circuit consists of cascaded high-pass and low-pass filters, which together form a complete band-pass filter. One half of a TL072 dual op amp (IC1a) together with two capacitors and two resistors make up a second-order Sallen-Key high-pass filter. With the values shown, the cut-off frequency (3dB point) is around 300Hz. As the op amp is powered from a single supply rail, two 10kO resistors and a 10µF decoupling capacitor are used to bias the input (pin 5) to one-half supply rail voltage.
Circuit diagram:
Voice Bandwidth Filter Circuit Diagram
The output of IC1a is fed into the second half of the op amp (IC1b), also configured as a Sallen-Key filter. However, this time a low-pass function is performed, with a cut-off frequency of about 3.1kHz. The filter component values were chosen for Butterworth response characteristics, providing maximum pass-band flatness. Overall voltage gain in the pass-band is unity (0dB), with maximum input signal level before clipping being approximately 3.5V RMS. The 560O resistor at IC1bs output provides short-circuit protection.
Author: M. Sharp - Copyright: Silicon Chip Electronics