Sunday, March 31, 2013
Fuse Box Ford 1994 Crown Victoria Diagram
Fuse Box Ford 1994 Crown Victoria Diagram
Fuse Panel Layout Diagram Parts: circuit breaker, instrument panel lamp, radio, circuit breaker, cigar lighter, wiper/washer, light blue relay, emergency flasher on reverse side of panel.
Audio Amplifier Output Relay Delay

C1 = 100 uF 40V electrolytic
C2 = 100 uF 40V electrolytic
D1 = 1N4007
D2 = 1N4148
Q1 = BC547
R1 = 33 kohm 0.25W
R2 = 2.2 kohm 0.25W
RELAY 24V DC relay, coil resistance >300 ohm
Circuit operation:
Then power is applied to the power input of the circuit, the positive phase of AC voltage charges C1. Then C2 starts to charge slowly through R1. When the voltage in C2 rises, the emitter output voltage of Q1 rises together with voltage on C2. When the output voltage of Q2 is high enough (typically around 16..20V) the relay goes to on state and the relay witches connect the speakers to the amplifier output. It takes typically around 5 seconds after power up until the relay starts to conduct (at absolute time depends on the size of C2, relay voltage and circuit input voltage). When the power is switched off, C1 will loose its energy quite quickly. Also C2 will be charged quite quickly through R2. In less than 0.5 seconds the speakers are disconnected from the amplifier output.
Notes on the circuit:
This circuit is not the most accurate and elegant design, but it has worked nicely in my small home-built PA amplifier. This circuit can be also used in many other applications where a turn on delay of few seconds is needed. The delay time can be increased by using bigger C2 and decreased by using a smaller C2 value. Note that the delay is not very accurate because of simplicity of this circuit and large tolerance of typical electrolytic capacitors (can be -20%..+50% in some capacitors).
LA4440 Bridge Amplifier Circuit Diagram
LA4440 is a dual channel audio amplifier IC. It can be used in two modes; one is Stereo amplifier and another Bridge amplifier mode. The LA4440 is a monolithic linear IC from Sanyo. Here I give the both circuit mode of amplifier using IC LA4440.
When the IC LA4440 is in Bridge mode in the circuit, its output power is 19w. In bridge mode use 4Ω-8Ω speaker. If you want stereo output(19w+19w) in bridge mode then use two copies of amplifier circuit of given below. Resistor R3&R4 is to adjust the voltage gain and for making input signal of inverting amplifier.

C10 is filter capacitor used to reduce the ripple of supply voltage. Don’t decrease the value of capacitor C6&C7 less than 100uF, 10v, it may causes of the output at low frequencies goes lower. The pin-6 of LA4440 amplifier circuit is audio input pin; it used in stereo amplifier mode but in bridge mode it is grounded. C8&C9 are polyester film capacitor used to preventing oscillation, and R1&R2 used for the same reason as filter resistor. Though the maximum supply voltage for both circuit of amplifier is 18V but we recommend to use a 12V,3A power supply. Use a good quality heat sink with LA4440.
1977 Piper Archer Graphic Engine Monitor

Piper Pa 28 181 Flugzeug Zu Verkaufen Ad Idno 100580 Aircraft24.
Civil Fabricante Piper Aircraft Introducido 1960 Estado En Servicio N.

G Lker Traum Vom Fliegen Beautyshots Piper L 4 Grasshopper.
Flugzeuge De Piper Pa 28 161 Cadet Ph Vfc.

Flugzeuge De Piper P28 T Flughafen Tonder D Nemark.

And On The Same Day A Piper Arrow Had A Engine Failure After Take Off.

Flugzeuge De Pa 28 181 Archer Ii.

Flugzeuge De Piper P28 T Flughafen Tonder D Nemark.

1977 Piper Archer Ii Pa 28 181 180 Hp Dme Gem Graphic Engine Monitor.

Piper Aircraft Will Mit Dem Pipersport Ins Gesch Ft F R Kleine.
500W Low Cost 12V to 220V Inverter
Using this circuit you can convert the 12V dc in to the 220V Ac. In this circuit 4047 is use to generate the square wave of 50hz and amplify the current and then amplify the voltage by using the step transformer.
How to calculate transformer rating
The basic formula is P=VI and between input output of the transformer we have Power input = Power output
For example if we want a 220W output at 220V then we need 1A at the output. Then at the input we must have at least 18.3V at 12V because: 12V*18.3 = 220v*1
So you have to wind the step up transformer 12v to 220v but input winding must be capable to bear 20A.

Saturday, March 30, 2013
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Subwoofer Wiring Diagrams One 4 Ohm Dual Voice Coil Dvc Speaker.
Wide Frequency Range 555 VCO
555 VCO Schematic

Current source
Q2 is connected in the common base configuration. In this mode of operation, the collector current is a function of emitter current regardless of the collector voltage. In this way, it can perform a linear charge function upon C1. The emitter must be driven from a negative supply voltage. Frequency is scaled to 10V = 10kHZ via R5. Frequency range in this set-up is 180 to 10kHZ.
Bias transistor
Q3 is wired as a self-biasing transistor by connecting the base to the collector and feeding it a bias current via R4. Voltage drop is 0.6V. Originally, I had a 1N4148 diode and its voltage drop was 0.45V that added too much offset to the emitter of Q1. Ideally, the voltage drop across Q3 should equal Vbe of Q2. This is a compromise because they are matched only under the condition of Ie = (9V – 0.6V) /R4 = 84uA. The emitter current varies from about 3 to 303uA.
Lowest low end offset would occur with both transistors matched and R4 increased to 3M—in that case, the hFE @ 3uA must >100—this looks practical, but would require a different transistor selection—I did not experiment with this option.
Reset transistor
Q1 is a 2N4401. It varies from the 2N3904 in that its current gain (hFE) is optimized at a higher current. The reset current must be high due to its low duty cycle.

Spread sheet data

There is some extra stuff here to generate a -10V reference from a single 19V supply.
Frequency is a function of Vcc—requires stable supply
High component count
Requires negative reference voltage—no issue if already using split supply
I do not generally recommend this circuit, but believe that it would make a great lab experiment for those who really want to learn more about VCO’s and the versatile 555.
For the future
XR4151 VCO circuit
Charge pump VCO circuit
Preferred components for the serious experimenter

2N4401, 600mA, 60V, hFE = 100 @ 150mA
Digikey 2N4401-ND
$0.20 each
EBC pinout

2N3904, 200mA, 60V, hFE = 100 @ 10mA,
Digikey 2N3904FS-ND
$0.18 each
EBC pinout
Test Beeper For Your Stereo

Friday, March 29, 2013
Cuckoo Sound Simulator Synthesizer Generator Circuit

IC1 is wired as a squarewave generator and two tones of cuckoo sound is produced by this IC. The frequency of the higher one (667Hz) is set by means of Trimmer R2. A further trimmer (R22) is added to IC1 timing components via D6, and the lower tone (545Hz) is generated when IC2D output goes low. The the squarewave output of IC1 is converted to a quasi-sinusoidal waveform by R3, R4, C3 and C4, then mixed with the white noise generated by Q1, R6 to imitate closely the cuckoo sound.Q2 has two purposes: it mixes the two incoming signals and gates the resulting tone, shaping its attack and decay behavior by means of the parts wired around its Emitter.
R15 is the volume control and IC4 is the audio power amplifier driving the speaker. The clock generator IC2A driving the decade counter IC3 provides the various sound and pause timings for the circuit. Some output pins of this IC are gated by IC2C, IC2D and related components to drive appropriately the sound generator and the sound gate. The circuit operates in the free-running mode and a cuckoo sound is generated continuously when SW1 is left open. the circuit generates two tones then stops, because a high state appears at the last output pin (#11) of the decade counter IC: therefore the count is inhibited by means of D1 feeding pin #13 when SW1 is closed. When P1 is pressed, the circuit is reset by a positive pulse at pin #15 of IC3. If the two tones frequencies are set precisely, the best result will be obtained. i.e. 667Hz for the first tone and 545Hz for the second (called Minor Third in musical terms). If available, a digital frequency would be the best tool to set up R2 and R22. You can use a musical instrument such as piano or guitar. Here’s the step to tuning-up the notes by musical instrument: First, we have to disconnect R22 from D6 diode temporarily then connect the digital frequency counter to pin 3 od IC1. To read 667Hz on the display, adjust R2 in order then connect R22 to negative ground and adjust it to read 545 Hz on the display and finally reconnect R22-D6.
Then, steps to tuning by ear: First, disconnect R22 from D6 anode temporarily. Disconnect C8 from Q2 Collector and connect it to R4, C4 and C5 junction. After that, adjust R2 in order that the tone generated by the loudspeaker is at the same pitch of the reference note generated by your musical instrument. This reference note will be the E written on the stave in the fourth space when using the treble clef. Then, Connect R22 to negative ground and adjust it in order that the tone generated by the loudspeaker is at the same pitch of the reference note generated by your musical instrument. This second reference note will be the C-sharp written on the stave in the third space when using the treble clef. Finally reconnect R22-D6 and C8-Q2 connections. For your note, the master clock can be adjusted by means of R18. The percentage of hiss and sound in the mixing circuit, setting the tone character, can be varied changing R8 and R7 values respectively. Any kind of dc voltage supply in the 12 – 15V range can be used, but please note that supply voltages below 12V will prevent operation of the white noise generator and an amusing application of this circuit is to use a photo-resistor in place of P1, then placing the unit near the flashing lamps of your Christmas tree. A sweet cuckoo sound will be heard each time the lamp chosen will illuminate.
Multitasking Pins Circuit
It’s entirely logical that low-cost miniature microcontrollers have fewer ‘legs’ than their bigger brothers and sisters – sometimes too few. The author has given some consideration to how to economise on pins, making them do the work of several. It occurred that one could exploit the high impedance feature of a tri-state output. In this way the signal produced by the high impedance state could be used for example as a CS signal of two ICs or else as a RD/ WR signal.
Circuit diagram:
Multitasking Pins Circuit Diagram
All we need are two op-amps or comparators sharing a single operating voltage of 5 V and outputs capable of reaching full Low and High levels in 5-V operation (preferably types with rail-to-rail outputs). Suitable examples to use are the LM393 or LM311.The resistances in the voltage dividers in this circuit are uniformly 10 kilo ohms. Consequently input A lies at half the operating voltage (2.5 V), assuming nothing is connected to the input – or the microcontroller pin connected is at high impedance. The non-inverting input of IC1A lies at two thirds and the inverting input of IC1B at one third of the operating voltage, so that in both cases the outputs are set at High state. If the microcontroller pin at input A becomes Low, the output of IC1B becomes Low and that of IC1A goes High. If A is High, everything is reversed.
Author : Roland Plisch Copyright: Elektor Electronics 2008
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